When friends become so important

I’ve been thinking about the situation we’re in at the moment veering from regional rules to complete lockdown and with Christmas coming up. One of the things that has happened is some old friends getting in touch for the first time in a long while....

It’s the “Not Black Friday” event!

Read on to access your exclusive 50% off discount on a range of images and products Some are available as both Limited Edition and Luxury Silk Scarves for example this lovely Pearl Horse – so called for the gene which gives him his absolutely beautiful...

Is it like Marmite?

So love it or hate it Marmite is a thing about which we tend to be definite in our views. If you’ve not been brought up in the UK and had Marmite on toast from a young age, you may be disgusted by the look and smell of it! We have had many American students...

Welcome to my Brand New Gallery

Welcome this is not a traditional Gallery opening, but you are extremely welcome regardless. Like many people in lockdown we looked around the house and decided there are improvements to be made. Some we had planned before but never actually decided they were...