I mentioned school in an earlier blog, and thought I might tell you about how I learned to read.

My brother is a little bit older than me and one day, when I was 3 years old, he sat me down and allegedly said “I’d better teach you to read, because once you get to school, you’ll never learn”. A true vote of confidence!

I still have the book he chose to teach me from.

Here it is.

Here’s a page which seems especially relevant

The gift of reading has been a fantastically important one for me, as well as for everyone who has it. I read constantly, and usually have a collection of four or five books of different types ‘on the go’, so you can imagine I am very grateful to him for this gift.

All the damage done to our current school-age generation by the necessity to close schools in the pandemic does worry me rather a lot. Parents have so much to do, and some households have children at a variety of different stages which must make it even harder to cope with schooling. I certainly don’t envy them the task.

What are you reading at the moment? I love to discover a ‘new’ author whose work I haven’t read before.

Waiting for your recommendations with bated breath!

Toodle Pip!