More images from Iceland, despite the fact that I am not a landscape photographer, and don’t pretend to have any skill in this aspect of photography.

Nonetheless I can certainly enjoy what I see and in Iceland there is so much to see that is really unusual. Backgrounds to the equine photography undertaken this past week include Hekla, the most active volcano in Iceland and the most famous apart from Ayjafiallje…. thingummybob which caused such chaos in 2010. Also the Westermann Islands feature in some pictures.

In one area we came across the most unusual scene of dunes, composed of black volcanic sand, with tuft of grass, blown by the wind into curious shapes. This was very intriguing, and is perhaps the most out of the ordinary scene I saw last week. It has sort of stuck in my mind’s eye, or perhaps in my occipital cortex, featuring in my dreams as well as in these few images, which to me look great in both colour and black and white. The shapes make for such an interesting overall composition.